In order to help all the company’s staff have time to rest and relax after a long time hard working. And also, it is an opportunity for everyone to have a chance to exchange and create cohesion. That why Board of Directors of M.D decided to organize for all staffs and their families a 2-day 2-night trip in Da Lat at the beginning of November 2022.

Dalat tour is not only a fun trip but also an opportunity for all the leadership and staff to have the opportunity to share thoughts and feelings, improve the spirit of solidarity among members, and be a bridge to connect all together side-by-side, strive to achieve higher goals together, towards a cohesive/creative/enthusiastic/responsible/strong team, lead the “M.D SHIP” firmly reaching out to the big sea.

When the company announced the plan of the tour, all staff received it with joy and surprise and make many questions WHY by themself ??? (In such a difficult economic situation, the company still organizes tourism?  Is it reasonable to have a trip to Da Lat at this time?  How can when there are many children accompanied / or the organization – well-organized accommodation, The concept ok or not? ….).

However, after only 1 week of launching, all questions and wonders of all staff were answered through the company’s culture (taking care both physically and mentally) expressing the views that go hand in hand with the actions of the leadership) and verified by the following activities:

  • Establish the organizing committee, creating a group to design banners – backgroups;
  • Conduct to search and select a professional travel agency;
  • Vote on the theme of the trip WORK THE BEST- PLAY THE BEST;
  • Carefully select team-building programs and gala content appropriate to the topic;

• And finally, carefully select the menu, the accommodation, choose the room and arrange the number of seats in the car to suit each other. Wishing for employees to have a complete, comfortable and full trip in all aspects.

And below are some pictures from the trip

With the purpose to minimize the bad situtation in the organization, and the timely direction of the board of directors, plus the enthusiasm/harmony/dedication of all people, created a trip unexpected success, brought more color/inspiration/joy, and moreover, strengthened relationships between people. Team’ spirit, determination and striving for the common goal of the team is what are shown throughout the games and trips.

Link: Traveling journey 2 Days 2 Nights in Da Lat

After the trip, although a little physically tired, but with a refreshing spirit, the first day of the working week was attended by most of people.

Hopefully, with cohesion/ togetherness and enthusiasm, not being afraid of difficulties, … the M.D FAMILY will gather overcome the current difficult economic period, lead M.D products to a large number of customers not only domestic but also export.

MD’s Editor band

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